for an optimized ski area!

How ?

DigiSKI, it's a powerful management tol for the slope service of a ski area: follow-up sheet for the opening and closing of slopes, planning of grooming, …

Développée sous la forme d’une application web, notre équipe est à votre écoute pour toute nouvelle fonctionnalité nécessaire à vos besoins


No more paper procedures with digitalization! Simplify ski area management processes: saving teams' time means more time for other more useful tasks. Don't lose any more paperwork coming in from the field, and don't waste any more time scanning them.

Live informations

Adapt operational needs in real time with information from the field, thanks to web app technology using the internet from anywhere in your ski resort.

Improve internal communication

Improve the link between the different teams working at different times and places, for a better knowledge of the real needs, because communication between your teams is essential to increase the efficiency and quality of work, and therefore customer satisfaction.

An accessible and easy-to-use application

The DigiSKI web app can be accessed from any device that can be connected to the internet (computers, team phones, tablets, etc.), allowing information to be sent directly from any point of your ski resort. It allows you to know in real time the state of your ski area, without having to use the traditional radio: this saves time for your supervisory team who can see the information from the field in real time, from anywhere.
Easy and natural to use, DigiSKI can be deployed very quickly in your ski area: no more paper forms for your field teams, everyone connects and sends information as soon as needed.
For example, the ski patrol fill in the piste register as soon as they open or close a piste, so there is no longer any chance of forgetting! Each sector leader can check that all their piste have been patrolled.

Make it easy to monitor operations

DigiSKI is the opening door for the digitalization of your ski area and all advantages it brings with.
All the data being saved as soon as they are communicated by teams, tracking couldn't be easier!
The reports for each day can be checked and signed by the managers from their personal account by simply ticking a box. The reports for each day, from the first day of using DigiSKI, can be retrieved from the history and exported in pdf format for checking at any time.

An app adapted to your needs

Un besoin spécifique ? Notre équipe est à votre écoute pour vous personnaliser DigiSKI !

DigiSKI a été designé pour accueillir facilement de nouveaux modules adaptés à chacun de ses clients.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter, nos ingénieurs sont là pour vous renseigner sur les fonctionnalités qu’il est possible de vous développer sur-mesure

Who are we ?

Chez Caziweb, nous sommes convaincus qu’avoir une équipe de taille raisonnable est vitale : cela permet d’être plus proches de nos clients, et donc de répondre au mieux à leurs attentes. Cela permet également d’être plus efficaces et de connaître parfaitement nos logiciels afin de pouvoir les personnaliser au mieux pour chaque station.

That's why our permanent team is composed of 2 brothers, coming from best French digital engineering schools.
Moreover, and that's the GREAT PLUS of Caziweb, Titouan is also a french ski patrol, still working in ski areas during winter seasons. This allows us to stay as close as possible to the needs of the field, and to test our solutions directly in the places where they will be used.

Titouan Cazin

- Pisteur secouriste
- Ski patrol
- Engineer in Data Science graduated from main French engineering school (Télécom Paris)

Timothé Cazin

- Digital engineer in main engineering school (Centrale Marseille)

Paul Salaün

- Ingénieur du numérique

Une application complète

Le module DigiRM : un registre d'exploitation dématérialisé

Le module DigiPistes : un registre des pistes dématérialisé